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Made from the simplest ingredients, this leek and potato soup is usually served cold and produces a delicate flavour with a velvety texture.
- 130g floury potato (1)
- 180g onion (2)
- 2 clove of garlic
- 300g leek (preferably just the white part) (3)
- 400ml chicken or vegetable stock
- 200ml milk
- 100ml double cream
- 1 teaspoon of salt
- 1 tablespoon of vegetable oil
- 55g unsalted butter
Preparation Time: 10 minutes
Cooking Time: 40 minutes
Serves: 2 - 3
- Peel and chop the potato, onion and leek into cubes. Peel the garlic.
- Heat the oil and butter over a low heat in a large saucepan. When the butter has melted, add the onion, leek, garlic and salt.
- Cook for about 15 minutes, until the onion and leek has become soft and translucent but not browned (if they start to brown, turn down the heat).
- Add the potato, the stock and the milk and then turn up the heat to medium.
- Bring it to the boil and cook it for 15-20 minutes, until the potato is cooked (when a knife goes through it easily).
- Ladle some of the contents of the pan into a liquidizer, until the liquidizer is ¼ full and then blend it for about a minute.
- Pour the contents of the liquidizer through a sieve into another clean pan and then refill the liquidizer to ¼. (Filling a liquidizer with too much hot liquid can cause the liquid to explode out of the top in a spectacular fashion, regardless of the strength of your liquidizers lid. It is best to err on the side of caution and do several small batches, rather than cover yourself and your kitchen with boiling hot soup.)
- When all of the soup has been blended, stir in the cream, reheat the soup (see Notes), check the seasoning (but don’t add any pepper) and then ladle it into bowls. Optionally, garnish it with a drizzle of truffle oil and some chopped chives.
- Serve.

Useful Information
Can it be frozen? Yes.
Can it be prepared in advance? Yes, it can be finished up to 3 days in advance.
Will leftovers be nice? Yes, for up to 3 days.
- This soup is traditionally served cold but, when served as a main course, this can be a bit excessive. To serve it cold, simply chill the soup after stirring in the cream during stage 8.
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