Poaching Fish

Poaching Fish
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A simple and very healthy method of cooking fish that can also provide the basis for its own sauce.
- 120-150g of fish per person
- 400ml water or fish stock
- 100ml white wine
- 50ml of crème fraiche or double cream
Preparation Time: 5 minutes
Cooking Time: 5 minutes
Serves: Depends on initial quantity
- Make sure the fish does not have any bones left in the flesh by running your fingers along the top and sides of the fish. If it does, pull them out with a pair of tweezers or electricians pliers (be sure to clean them first). Here, we are using salmon but the method applies to almost any fish.
- Put the water or stock and the wine into a saucepan and bring it to the boil.
- Turn down the heat so the liquid is simmering and put in the fish.
- Gently simmer the fish for about 5 minutes, until the fish is firm to the touch and has turned opaque.
- Carefully remove the fish from the pan, put the fish on a plate and cover it with a piece of tin foil to keep it warm. Then turn up the heat on the pan and reduce the liquid by half.
- Add the crème fraiche or cream, season with salt & pepper and the sauce is ready.
- Remove the skin from the fish (if it has any) and serve. We served it with a fennel salad.

Useful Information
Can it be frozen? No.
Can it be prepared in advance? Yes, up to 1 day to stage 1.
Will leftovers be nice? Yes, for up to 2 days.
- To add more flavour, you could add some or all of the following ingredients during stage 2 (sieve these ingredients out during stage 5 when you remove the fish):
2 slices of lemon, ½ leek, 1 shallot (or ½ onion), 1 carrot, 1 bay leaf, 2 sprigs of taragon, ½ bulb of fennel, 2 sprigs of dill, 6 pepper corns.
Simply pass the sauce through a sieve before stage 6.
- The fish can also be served cold.
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