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This recipes makes a delicious, creamy and very rich Béarnaise sauce, ideal for accompanying beef steak.
- 2 egg yolks
- 125g unsalted butter
- 110ml white wine vinegar
- 70g shallot (2)
- 15g taragon sprigs
- 6 pepper corns
- 1 teaspoon of oil
- 1 bay leaf
- ½ teaspoon of lemon juice
Preparation Time: 40 minutes
Cooking Time: N/A
Serves: 4
- Peel and roughly chop one of the shallots and separate the leaves from the stalks of the tarragon (keeping both).
- In to a saucepan, put the chopped shallot, the stalks of the tarragon, the pepper corns, the bay leaf and the vinegar, bring to the boil and reduce the liquid by half.
- Remove the vinegar reduction from the heat and leave it to infuse for 15 minutes.
- Pour the vinegar reduction through a sieve into a bowl and put 1 tablespoon of it into a liquidizer.
- In another saucepan, heat the butter until it has completely melted and is bubbling and then pour it into a jug.
- Add the egg yolks into the liquidizer, turn it on and then pour in the melted butter in a slow, steady stream.
- Once all the butter is in, season with salt & pepper, add the lemon juice and leave the liquidizer running for a further 30 seconds.
- Pour the béarnaise into a bowl.
- Peel and finely dice the remaining shallot and roughly chop the tarragon leaves.
- In a pan, heat the oil and cook the shallot for one minute until it is soft but not brown.
- Stir the shallot and tarragon into the sauce and serve.

Useful Information
Can it be frozen? No.
Can it be prepared in advance? Yes, up to 7 days to stage 4 or it can be finished up to 1 hour in advance.
Will leftovers be nice? No.
- Béarnaise is traditionally served with beef steak.
- Unlike mayonaise, which has raw egg yolks, in Béarnaise sauce the egg yolks are cooked by the melted butter.
- The sauce can be made in advance by pouring it into a bowl and placing a piece of cling film/kitchen wrap on the surface of the sauce to prevent a skin forming. To reheat the sauce, simply put the bowl over a pan (smaller than the bowl) of hot (but not boiling) water. The bowl should not touch the water as this can heat it too much which will split the sauce, resulting in taragon flavoured scrambled eggs.
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